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Fasting plus vitamin C proves effective for hard-to-treat cancers

in 2020/May/NEWS

Check out the full article here: University of Southern California

Is Vitamin K the secret key to bone strength?

in 2020/May/NEWS

Check out the full article here: Tufts University

How to maintain your diet and nutrition during COVID-19

in 2020/May/NEWS

Check out the full article here: The University of Utah

How to eat like the animals for good health

in 2020/May/NEWS

Check out the full article here: The University of Sydney

Biomedical sciences researchers find certain foods common in diets of U.S. adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

in 2020/May/NEWS

Check out the full article here: Georgia State University

Tree trunks take a licking as koalas source water

in 2020/May/NEWS

Check out the full article here: The University of Sidney

Half of UK rice breaches limits on arsenic for children, warn scientists

in 2020/May/NEWS

Check out the full article here: The University of Sheffield

Emergence of deadly honey bee disease revealed

in 2020/May/NEWS

Check out the full article hereNewcastle University

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