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Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 973/2020

in LAW/Products

Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 973/2020 del 6 luglio 2020 che autorizza una modifica delle condizioni d’uso del nuovo alimento «estratto proteico di rene di suino» e che modifica il Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 2470/2017.

Implementing Regulation (EU) 973/2020 of 6 July 2020 authorising a change of the conditions of use of the novel food ‛protein extract from pig kidneys’ and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2470/2017.

Nutrients in microalgae: an environmentally friendly alternative to fish

in 2020/July/NEWS

Check out the full article here: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Antioxidants in corn line could aid human IBD protection, therapy

in 2020/July/NEWS

Check out the full article here: The Pennsylvania State University

Oat and rye bran fibres alter gut microbiota, reducing weight gain and hepatic inflammation

in 2020/July/NEWS

Check out the full article here: University of Eastern Finland

Food taxes and subsidies would bring major health gains, study shows

in 2020/July/NEWS

Check out the full article here: University of Otago

Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 916/2020

in LAW/Products

Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 916/2020 del 1o luglio 2020 che autorizza un’estensione dell’uso degli xilo-oligosaccaridi come nuovo alimento a norma del Regolamento (UE) 2283/2015 e che modifica il Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 2470/2017.

Implementing Regulation (EU) 916/2020 of 1 July 2020 authorising the extension of use of xylo-oligosaccharides as a novel food under Regulation (EU) 2283/2015 amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2470/2017.

UCF is developing new nanotech to detect food fraud

in 2020/July/NEWS

Check out the full article here: University of Central Florida

Feeds of the future

in 2020/June/NEWS

Check out the full article here: University of Gottingen

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