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Incretin hormone levels linked to arteriosclerosis

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: Lund University

Public say no to supplement-enriched “hybrid meats”

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: University of Reading

The cost of Thanksgiving staples see price hike amid pandemic

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: Purdue University

Does food have a gender?

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: Harvard University

The inclusion of olive oil in the diet helps reduce high blood pressure

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: Universidad de Sevilla

Go (over) easy on the eggs: ‘Egg-cess’ consumption linked to diabetes

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: University of South Australia

Regolamento (UE) 1693/2020

in LAW/Products

Regolamento (UE) 1693/2020 dell’11 novembre 2020 che modifica il Regolamento (UE) 848/2018 relativo alla produzione biologica e all’etichettatura dei prodotti biologici per quanto riguarda la sua data di applicazione e alcune altre date in esso previste.

Regulation (EU) 1693/2020 of 11 November 2020 amending Regulation (EU) 848/2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products as regards its date of application and certain other dates referred to in that Regulation.

Regolamento (UE) 1681/2020

in Health and Safety/LAW

Regolamento (UE) 1681/2020 che modifica l’allegato I del Regolamento (CE) 1334/2008 per quanto riguarda il ritiro di alcune sostanze aromatizzanti dall’elenco dell’Unione.

Regulation (EU) 2020/1681 amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) 1334/2008 as regards removal from the Union list of certain flavouring substances.

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