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La dieta mediterránea reduce el riesgo de volver a sufrir infartos

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: Universidad de Córdoba

Chemical compounds in foods can inhibit a key SARS-CoV-2 enzyme

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: NC State University

Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 1772/2020

in LAW/Products

Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 1772/2020 del 26 novembre 2020 che modifica il Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 2469/2017 che stabilisce i requisiti amministrativi e scientifici per le domande di cui all’articolo 10 del regolamento (UE) 2283/2015 relativo ai nuovi alimenti.

Implementing Regulation (EU) 1772/2020 of 26 November 2020
amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2469/2017 laying down administrative and scientific requirements for applications referred to in Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2283/2015 on novel foods

Study: Gut hormones’ regulation of fat production abnormal in obesity, fatty liver disease

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

New mothers, infants and adolescents face challenges to healthy food and nutrition – research shows

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: Western Sydney University

Most popular American movies depict an unhealthy diet, Stanford researchers find

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: Stanford University

Food health star ratings can improve diets, study finds

in 2020/NEWS/November

Check out the full article here: The University of Melbourne

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