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Diet may influence risk of aggressive prostate cancer

in 2021/January/NEWS

Check out the full article hereHarvard T.H. Chan

Junk food linked to sleep problems in teens

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: The University of Queensland

The aroma of distant worlds

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

FDA proposes to revoke the standard of identity for French dressing

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: U.S. Food & Drug Administration

Gene biomarkers indicate liver toxicity quickly and accurately

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: University of Illinois

In liver, a stressed cell can be bad news for its neighbors

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: Harvard T.H. Chan

Intelligent and active labels could revolutionise food communication

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: University of Reading

Cancer risk from obesity differs for men and women

in 2020/December/NEWS

Check out the full article here: University of Bristol

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