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How we can reduce food waste and promote healthy eating

in 2021/April/NEWS

Food waste and obesity are major problems in developed countries. They are both caused by an overabundance of food, but strategies to reduce one can inadvertently increase the other. A broader perspective can help identify ways to limit food waste while also promoting healthy nutrition, two University of Illinois researchers suggest.

Check out the full article here: University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign

Regolamento (UE) 590/2021

in Health and Safety/LAW

Regolamento (UE) 590/2021 del 12 aprile 2021 che modifica gli allegati II e IV del Regolamento (CE) 396/2005 per quanto riguarda i livelli massimi di residui di aclonifen, boscalid, latte vaccino, etofenprox, pirofosfato ferrico, L-cisteina, lambda-cialotrina, idrazide maleica, mefentrifluconazolo, 5-nitroguaiacolato di sodio, o-nitrofenolato di sodio, p-nitrofenolato di sodio e triclopir in o su determinati prodotti.

Regulation (EU) 590/2021 of 12 April 2021 amending Annexes II and IV to Regulation (EC) 396/2005 and of the
Council as regards maximum residue levels for aclonifen, boscalid, cow milk, etofenprox, ferric pyrophosphate, L-cysteine, lambda-cyhalothrin, maleic hydrazide, mefentrifluconazole, sodium 5-nitroguaiacolate, sodium o-nitrophenolate, sodium p-nitrophenolate and triclopyr in or on certain products.

Study finds Americans eat food of mostly poor nutritional quality – except at school

in 2021/April/NEWS

Whether eating out or buying food from the grocery store, Americans of all ages are, for the most part, eating poorly everywhere — except at school. The information comes from a new dietary trends study, which also reveals persistent or worsening disparities in meal quality from restaurants, grocery stores, and other sources — but not school — by race, ethnicity, and income.

Check out the full article here: Tufts University

Sensory research smell and taste study with children of autism

in 2021/April/NEWS

The Sensory Science Laboratory in the Department of Food Science is conducting a research project regarding smell and taste perceptions of kids (ages 5-14) with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Check out the full article here: University of Arkansas

Study calls for urgent climate change action to secure global food supply

in 2021/April/NEWS

New Curtin University-led research has found climate change will have a substantial impact on global food production and health if no action is taken by consumers, food industries, government, and international bodies.

Check out the full article here: Curtin University

Parents confused about healthier drinks for kids not helped by labeling of fruit drinks, flavored water and unsweetened juice

in 2021/April/NEWS

Clearer disclosures about added sugars, diet sweeteners and percent juice on product packages are needed to address widespread misperceptions about ingredients in popular children’s drinks.

Check out the full article here: University of Connecticut

Is Vitamin K the secret key to bone strength?

in 2021/April/NEWS

When we think of strong bones, we usually think of milk, a rich source of the nutrients that promote bone density: calcium and vitamin D. But we may be overlooking another important nutrient created closer to home — in our own gut, to be exact.

Check out the full article here: Tufts University

For malnourished children, a new type of microbiome-directed food boosts growth

in 2021/April/NEWS

A new type of therapeutic food specifically designed to repair the gut microbiomes of malnourished children is superior to standard therapy in promoting growth, according to the results of a proof-of-concept clinical trial conducted in Bangladesh.

Check out the full article here: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

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