
Michele - page 9

Michele has 1093 articles published.

Michele Mazzocco | food technologist | enthusiastic of food science, fun-mixed nutrition, new flavor sensations and nature inspired functional design
gut health

Poorer health in most deprived areas may be linked to microbiomes in the gut

An earlier onset of disease and ageing in the most deprived could be linked to gut health and poor diet. A new, first-of-its-kind-study, led by the University of Glasgow and published in Scientific Reports, analysed the composition of microbes in the body and found that there was a higher amount of pathogenic – disease-causing – bacteria in those who were most biologically aged Continua la lettura

Regolamento origine tonno

Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 966/2021

Regolamento di esecuzione (UE) 966/2021 dell’11 giugno 2021 che concede a Cabo Verde una deroga temporanea alle norme sull’origine preferenziale di cui al Regolamento delegato (UE) 2446/2015 per quanto riguarda le preparazioni o conserve di filetti di tonno, le preparazioni o conserve di filetti di sgombro e le preparazioni o conserve di filetti di tombarello Continua la lettura

fast food

Fast food advertising: Billions in spending, continued high exposure by youth

Fast-food consumption among youth remains a significant public health concern. The findings in this report demonstrate that fast-food advertising spending increased from 2012 to 2019; youth exposure to TV ads declined, but at a lower rate than reductions in TV viewing times; many restaurants continued to disproportionately target advertising to Hispanic and Black youth; and restaurants did not actively promote healthier menu items. Restaurants must do more to reduce harmful fast-food advertising to youth Continua la lettura

breakfast foods

Those breakfast foods are fortified for a reason

Adults who skip breakfast are likely to miss out on key nutrients that are most abundant in the foods that make up morning meals, a new study suggests. An analysis of data on more than 30,000 American adults showed that skipping breakfast – and missing out on the calcium in milk, vitamin C in fruit, and the fiber, vitamins and minerals found in fortified cereals – likely left adults low on those nutrients for the entire day Continua la lettura

fish left

New dipping solution turns the whole fish into food

After filleting, there are still lots of valuable and nutritious parts of the fish left, such as the backbones, heads and fins. By dipping these side streams into a specially developed solution, containing ingredients such as rosemary extract and citric acid, their shelf life can be extended significantly, giving a useful window of time to process them further Continua la lettura

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